
Barcelona, 1907 – 1917

Monthly magazine written in Catalan it was published in Barcelona as a supplement to Il·lustració Catalana. Managed by Carme Karr, it distinguished itself from the other typical publications of the 19th Century which had a protective character and addressed the women with the aim of having an impact on the informative sphere. Although the explicit aim was to reach “all the women”, in reality, the audience were largely middle and upper class women and, within this group, the ones who were sensitive with the incipient process of feminist and suffragist struggle.

This way, the information published makes reference to the actions carried out by the progressive elites of the international bourgeoisie, both in the suffragist as well as the social and industrial sphere. In general the news are related to activities that women all over the world perform in different spheres: sports, literature, arts, science and politics. Among the sections there is a page dedicated to the music with scores and photographic snap-shots of various themes: from issues concerning the social life of Barcelona, to women who stand out in various fields such as politics or arts, a story in each edition or some information relating to fashion.

The presence of photography is wide and constant, and the front page is reserved to one single photo that occupies the whole page. In terms of the graphic aspect is it remarkable that in almost every page there is a border or edging of Casademunt, and in all of the editions more than one ink is employed.

[Source: Segura, Isabel i Marta Selva (1984): Revistes de dones: 1846-1935. Barcelona. Edhasa.]

New sources:  2018: Dumitrescu, Cristina. Feminal: anàlisi gràfic d'un referent a la premsa femenina  TFG. Facultat Ciències de la Comunicació.Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.